Are you looking for the opening hours of the Hermes PaketShop located in Mühlgasse 14, Blumenhaus Becker, 08451, Crimmitschau, Germany? In this article, we will provide you with detailed information about the opening times, contact details, and other essential information about this Hermes PaketShop in Crimmitschau.
Hermes PaketShops Crimmitschau ️ Öffnungszeiten & Filialen
Hermes PaketShop is a popular choice for individuals who want to send or receive parcels conveniently. The Crimmitschau location is known for its efficient services and friendly staff. If you are planning to visit the Hermes PaketShop in Mühlgasse 14, Blumenhaus Becker, it is essential to know the opening hours to ensure that you can drop off or collect your parcels at the right time.
Hermes PaketShop Öffnungszeiten in Crimmitschau, Mühlgasse
The opening hours of the Hermes PaketShop in Mühlgasse 14, Crimmitschau, are as follows:
Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 12:00
Sunday: Closed
These opening hours provide a convenient window for customers to visit the Hermes PaketShop during weekdays and on Saturday mornings. The closed on Sundays, so make sure to plan your visits accordingly.
Hermes Paketshop Crimmitschau Filialen ️ Öffnungszeiten
In addition to the Mühlgasse location, Hermes PaketShop has several other branches in Crimmitschau. Each branch may have slightly different opening hours, so it is advisable to check the specific opening times for the branch you plan to visit. However, the general opening hours for most Hermes PaketShops in Crimmitschau are typically in line with the Mühlgasse location.
Contact Details:
Address: Mühlgasse 14, Blumenhaus Becker, 08451, Crimmitschau, Germany
Phone number: +49 (0) 3762 / 77028
Website: [Insert website if available]
current url: